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Dela med sig


Dela med sig

Bullying is when somebody gets teased, made fun of, gossiped about or physically harmed. We hear stories all the time about youngsters being bullied. This occurs at school, on the playground as well as for older youngsters – online, which is called cyber bullying.  the worst stories about youngsters being bullied end in disaster as well as grief.  Bullying can cause low self esteem, thoughts of and, or bring out suicide.

Bullying Leads to Suicide

According to the CDC suicide is the third leading cause of death among young people. roughly 4,400 kids as well as adolescents under the age of 18 dedicate suicide each year. almost 15 percent of high-school trainees have thought about suicide as well as about 7 percent have attempted it.  Yale university studies have wrapped up that youngsters that are bullied are between 2 to 9 times much more likely to think about suicide than youngsters that are not bullied.  women between the ages of 10 to 14 years old are at a higher danger of suicide according to a research study from Britain. That exact same research study likewise wrapped up that at least half of suicides among young people are associated to bullying.  ABC news reported that almost 30 percent of trainees are either bullies or victims of bullying.  many of these youngsters stay house from institution since they are scared of being bullied at school.

Why does the united states have a bullying dilemma in our schools? We see anti-bullying messages on t-shirts, bumper stickers, flyers as well as online, yet our youngsters are not getting the message.  many bullies have other issues. They either come from damaged homes, are abused, or have gone with a tragic event in their lives. The bullies are the ones that requirement help. This ought to begin within our families.

Love as well as generosity stops Bullying

Over the years the household system has damaged down. half of marriages end in divorce. much more kids are being shuffled with foster houses or increased by grandparents. The ones that are increased by just mother have to discover exactly how to take care of themselves since mother is out working two or three jobs. The benches in our churches are empty. sports is taking a concern over faith.  The bullies are not taught about like as well as generosity in their homes. This is likewise a lesson that a great deal of parents should discover too.

Related  four essential suggestions for Parenting a Toddler

My household has been personally affected by bullying.  Fortunately, we had a pleased ending.  This is our story.

From 2010 to 2014 we resided in a little town just outside of Spokane, Washington. The flight terminal was close-by as well as we commonly heard as well as saw airplanes flying over our home.  Our community was likewise close to an Air force base. My kids went to institution with youngsters from armed forces families. many of those youngsters moved around a great deal as well as would relocation within a couple of years.  My kids made new good friends every year as well as our house was the location to hang out for youngsters in our neighborhood.

My child was surrounded by good friends as well as she was one of the most prominent women in her second grade class.  She was in the institution skill show as well as people raved about her performance for months afterwards. Her self esteem as well as spirits were high.

Moving from California to Washington specify as well as the birth of her infant sibling was stressful for my bit girl. This tension turned into stress and anxiety as well as she started to pull her hair out to cope. It started with just her eyelashes.  We were able to hide her bare eyelids behind glasses so her peers didn’t notice.  She handled her trichotillomania well as well as had a therapist to assist her.  She understood she was different however this didn’t stop her from making as well as keeping friends.

In the summertime of 2014 we moved from Washington to Illinois, just outside of Chicago to be better to household as well as so my other half might begin a new job.  This is when my daughter’s whole world turned upside down.  She had a difficult time adjusting to her new institution in third grade.  When she attempted to make good friends the women in her class told her that she couldn’t be their good friend since she was the new girl. They called her weird, gossiped about her as well assa till andra kvinnor att inte leka med henne på lekplatsen. Detta var den allra första gången hon blev lidande för mobbning.

Relaterat är jag en fattig mamma om jag inte låter min unga spela Fortnite?

Några veckor senare kom mitt barn hus från institutionen i tårar. Hon berättade för mig allt om vad de andra kvinnorna i hennes klass angav och exakt hur de behandlade henne. Sedan uttalade hon att hon hatade sig själv och ville hoppa ut genom sitt sovrumsfönster. Hon uppgav att hon inte ville gå till institutionen än en gång så bra som hon bara ville dö. Jag förstod inte vad jag skulle göra. Jag var hjärtbruten och sörjande för min bitflicka.

Mitt andra hälften rusade hus från jobbet. Vi kallade dilemma -linjen och låste hennes fönster så att hon inte kunde öppna dem. Jag gick på en lång promenad med henne för att försöka lugna henne. Jag var livrädd för vad som skulle hända för henne om mobbningen fortsatte.

Det institutionåret hade jag ett antal möten med hennes lärare, den primära och biträdande rektor. Mitt barn hade aldrig en utmanande tid att få goda vänner tills vi flyttade till Chicago. Hon var lika rädd för att ens försöka få vänner.

Nå ut till dina barn för att stoppa mobbning

Efter några års terapi och medicinering klarar mitt barn mycket mycket bättre nu. Hon drar fortfarande ut håret, men medicinen hjälper till att förbättra det såväl som hennes depression. Vi hade tur att hon öppnade så mycket som oss om mobbningen och vi fick hjälp för henne. Många hushåll är inte lika lyckliga.

Alla förstår någon som har varit en drabbad av mobbning. Många av oss förstår också någon som lider av ångest och tankar om självmord på grund av mobbning. Det finns många metoder som vi kan nå ut till dessa ungdomar innan de väljer självmord som sin metod.

Relaterat varför borde föräldrar blogga?

I den nya boken, “mobbade döende till i form i”, diskuterar författaren Normandie D. Piccolo varför ungdomar blir mobbade, exakt hur man slutar vara lidande och exakt hur man skapar en positiv syn på livet. Boken är skriven för ungdomar. Författaren innehåller innovativa skisser såväl som språk som ungdomar såväl som ungdomar kan förstå.

Jag glädde mig mycket över de positiva meddelandena såväl som koncept för att hjälpa ungdomar att förbättra deras självkänsla samt undvika mobbning. Jag tror fortfarande att mobbarens krav lika mycket hjälper som offren för mobbning. Dessa nödställda ungdomar har inte lärt sig exakt hur man gillar andra, vara snälla och visa respekt. Mobbarna såväl som de mobbade kan på liknande sätt upptäcka exakt hur man kan vara vänliga mot andra och gilla sig själva genom att läsa, “mobbade, dör i form i.” Denna bok borde vara i varje institutionsbibliotek, terapeuters kontor samt hem. Det är en bör kolla in för föräldrar, studenter, lärare samt mentalhälsa och hälso- och hälsopersonal.

“Mobbade döende i form i,” kan köpas på Amazon.com. För att upptäcka mycket mer om författaren, Normandie Piccolo samt för mycket mer information om hennes bok besök www.normandysbrightideas.com.

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